Because emotion is often uncomfortable, and
society has taught us to avoid
discomfort at all costs.
Consider This: The level of our Emotional Literacy will determine the success of every relationship
we have. Can we really overlook this
critical aspect of ourselves?
The Only Way Through is Through
Moving through something verses trying to escape it was never more true than when it comes to mastering our relationship with emotion.
And I promise you that the hardest part about moving through emotions is getting past the initial resistance to facing them.
It all gets easier from there!
We have made the act of feeling uncomfortable shameful. We think that somehow if you are in pain, you are doing something wrong.
Emotion has also been attached to our identity and our actions. For example, if I experience anger, society often says, “You are an angry person, and you will hurt people, so you must shut that down.”
Uncomfortable Emotion is actually a deeper invitation to bring presence to the situation and gain information. Once we receive this information and begin moving in a direction that moves us forward, discomfort often begins to diminish.
Emotion is a gift and a fabulous guide when we listen to its needs instead of hiding, pretending, avoiding, or reacting to them. When we learn to be the Master of Emotion rather than allow Emotion to master us, everything in life gets 1000x easier!
Consider This: The level of our Emotional Mastery will determine the success of every relationship we have. If I don’t know how to BE WITH my anger, my sadness, my fear, or my frustrations, I will tend to either try to shut them down (which causes depression and affects my relationships) or I will react and project my feelings and issues on another (which affects my relationships). If we truly want relationships that bring us joy and pleasure, can we really afford to overlook this critical aspect of ourselves?
At age 26, I was so shut down that I wouldn’t engage with most humans. I was emotionally depressed and dealing with anxiety. I woke daily wishing I were dead and was even praying that I would do so.
Luckily, though, I didn’t. Instead, I stayed here and learned about my emotions and their role in my ultimate happiness.
Hi there! My name is Marinna.
I learned to Face Emotion instead of trying to push it away.
I became friends with my emotions instead of judging them.
I got a whole lot happier. And my depression vanished.
Anxiety became a thing of the past!
Emotion Master Training
* Beginner, Intermediate, & Master Level Content
* Over 30 Videos
* Audio Meditations & Misc.
* Pdf Handouts for practice
* Lifetime access
* Q&A live support (through Facebook)
Note: Rated PG 13 Brief discussion on sexual energy .
1. A deep understanding of what Emotion is, why we struggle with it, and how to be with it more effectively.
2. Discover what’s at the root of ALL emotion and learn to get off the hamster wheel of emotional turmoil.
3. How to be present with the sensations of emotion and truly listen to the needs of each emotion.
4. Explore and discover the gift hiding in each emotion.
5. Deep dive into the causes of anxiety, fear, and depression with solutions and practices for managing them.
6. How you can throw yourself a life jacket and never drown in your own emotions again.
7. Techniques to speak about your emotions effectively and support others in theirs.
8. Discover what shame and guilt are and how to dismantle their hook inside of you.
9. Explore the relationship between addiction and emotion.
"Marinna is a joy to work with. I absolutely recommend her work. She is so personable, open, and accepting. I've always felt seen, heard, and accepted by her, even when she was being honest with me and pointing out what I could look at. I appreciate every conversation I've had with her. She has helped me through some of the tougher times in my life transitions. She is always open, playful, and loving while very informative and compassionate. Thank you for walking me through areas where I was stuck and encouraging me to open up and love myself deeper, always. You are truly a gift to know. Thank you for showing up for me!"
​~ Sheryl